Carpets are a great flooring option that provides soft comfort in the home. But carpet can be very prone to developing mold. Carpets can retain dampness from spills, wet shoes and general humidity in your home, and if they are not cleaned on a regular basis, can harbor bacteria and allergens that can cause mold to develop.
It can be difficult to tell if your carpet has mold. It’s important to do regular check-ins with the state of your carpet.
Musty Odors
One of the main signs of mold growing is a musty smell. If you are at home a lot, you may not notice the smell because you have become accustomed to it. But when someone else visits they will likely smell it. Take note of any comments that visitors make so you can determine if there is a musty smell.
Unexplained Allergies
Carpet mold is known to cause allergies and exacerbate asthma and other breathing issues, like bronchitis. If you are others in your household have unexplained allergies or respiratory issues you should inspect your carpet.
Damp Carpet
A wet carpet is the perfect environment to grow mold. If you notice that your frequently wet or damp, there may be a leak somewhere. This will lead to mold if it is not taken care of because dampness is the perfect home for mold. This is most commonly an issue in basement carpets. Take care to dry the area as soon as you spill something or notice the damp carpet because there will be mold. If the carpet is wet for longer than a day, then mold is likely to grow there. Dry out the spill as soon as possible to prevent this.
Mold typically appears white, black or in differing shades of green. When mold is in the advanced stages of growth you will probably be able to see the discolored patches on your carpet. You can also check the underside of your carpet to check to see if there is mold growing there. It is more likely to develop underneath the carpet before appearing on the visible parts of the carpet. Check the underside of your carpet frequently to prevent mold from advancing to this stage.
Old Carpeting
Even thought have regularly professional cleanings and repairs on your carpet can extend its life, eventually your carpet will get old. Carpet that is past its life span is more likely to grow mold. Dirt and dust can accumulate underneath the carpet. The older it is the more likely this will happen. Be sure to replace your carpet when it has reached its end to prevent mold from developing.
Mold Testing Kit
A good way to know if there is mold on your carpet is by using a mold testing kit. Kits work by testing the flow of air across your carpet. Mold spores will land on the kit if there are any and they will multiply which will give you your results. You can perform this test yourself or get a mold inspector to perform the test.
If there is mold in your carpet you can take some measures to remove it yourself, however it is better to call a professional carpet cleaner to help you determine the best form of action to remove the mold.
Take preventative measures like managing the humidity in your home and having your carpet cleaned regularly by a professional to extend the life of your carpet and prevent mold developments.
1 Business Insider states that the average lifespan of a carpet is 8-10 years