Most homeowners will deal with water issues at least a few times over the years. Many of you are aware that carpet and moisture do not get along. Read on to learn more about the best thing to do when your carpet gets wet, and what you can do to prevent further damage.
- Extract the water – Start by removing the water that has soaked the carpet. The type of equipment you’ll need for this depends on how much water is on the carpet. A submersible pump and a shop vac can effectively remove a large amount of water from your carpet if it is completely saturated with water.
- Create Air Flow – To help clear the odor and moisture from the room, create as much airflow as possible in the wet area. To help dry things out, open windows, turn on fans and place a fan on the floor. The best fans for this job are those with a lot of power. If you only have standard fans, however, a little airflow is preferable to none. To remove even more moisture from the air, consider using a dehumidifier.
- Remove Furniture – While the carpet is drying, any furniture that is over or near the wet area should be moved. If the furniture has been wet, you should take extra precautions to dry it out after transferring it to the garage, a tiled area, or another safe location in the house. Wood and upholstered furniture may not be salvageable in some cases.
Call the Experts – It’s best to call the professionals at Prestigious Professional Carpet Care if your carpet padding is wet or you’re having trouble drying your carpet. We can help you extract water you can see and water you can’t. We can dry carpet, carpet padding, tile and grout, hardwood floors, natural stone, concrete, laminate flooring, and vinyl flooring. Call us today at 412-295-3078 to learn more about how our services can benefit you.